Celebrating 25 Years of Impact

2024 marks 25 years of community giving through our Foundation. The journey of our growth speaks to the connections and impacts envisioned by our founders.

  • From our beginnings as a $25 million health conversion in 1999,
  • to the thoughtful decision by our visionary founders to expand our mission as a regional community foundation in 2003,
  • to partnerships with five local affiliate foundations in the Central Susquehanna region,
  • to over 350 unique and personalized funds that have distributed over $50 million back into our community for lasting impact.

Through 25 years of evolution and growth, we have seen one constant—you. Our work is only possible in a community where philanthropy is part of our culture. We are excited to celebrate this milestone anniversary with the community this year!


25 Stories for 25 Years

In celebration of our silver jubilee, we are sharing one story to mark each year of the Foundation's existence in the Central Susquehanna region. These stories will be shared throughout the year as we reflect on the strong partnerships we have developed with our donors, nonprofit partners, community leaders, and board members. A sampling of stories is below. Click here to access all of our anniversary stories.


Estate Fund Leaves Legacy of Perpetual Impact

The Spaide Family were active participants in local comunity life in the Nescopeck and Orangeville areas for many years. To carry on their heart for community giving, the Spaides created a fund through an estate gift to benefit local nonprofits after their death. Read the full story.


Partnerships for Nonprofit Sustainability

Nonprofit organizations can partner with the Foundation as a way to plan for permanent financial support and future sustainability. Whether created by the organization itself or by a donor/group, grants support the nonprofit's mission and ever-changing needs each year. Read the full story.


Affiliate Partnerships Grant $800,000 Across Region

Each year, the Foundation partners with affiliate boards and other advisory committees to implement competitive grant rounds, supporting organizations invested in a number of program areas. In 2024, nearly $800,000 was awarded across the region. Read the full story.

25th Anniversary Giving Campaign

Your gift to the Fund for the Community Giving Foundation will will work together with others to create permanent and visible community impact as we continue to meet needs in our region. This legacy of giving stays local, directly supporting organizations that live and work right here in our communities. When we all come together, we can achieve bigger and better things—giving more to organizations that are doing important work to help our communities thrive. Join us! You can make an online donation to support our work through the Fund for the Community Giving Foundation, or send checks payable to the Community Giving Foundation, Attn: Anniversary Campaign, to 725 West Front Street, Berwick PA 18603.

Donate to the Fund for the Community Giving Foundation