The Community Giving Foundation considers attorneys, accountants, financial planners, insurance agents, and other professionals to be our partners in the charitable giving process. We can help your clients give efficiently and effectively to their favorite causes—and we will be as involved as you would like us to be. Whether assisting with the establishment of a charitable endowment, providing sample bequest language and other resources, or teaching your clients’ family about philanthropy, the Foundation will help you guide your clients toward charitable giving that is not only the right gift at the right time, but also personal, meaningful, and fulfilling.
As neutral experts in philanthropy with in-depth knowledge of local organizations and community needs—both now and in the future—consider the Community Giving Foundation as an extension of your professional team. Our staff can be a resource for you as you help your clients fulfill their charitable goals. We look forward to working with you!
Take the Next Step
- Why work with us? The Community Giving Foundation answers your questions.
- Discover giving options through the new Giving Workbook.
- Connect your clients with the Foundation.
Contact Community Giving Foundation Staff for more information on charitable giving.
Alyssa Meyers-Sanonu, Director of Philanthropy
570.752.3930 ext. 3 or [email protected]
Professional Adivsor Newsletter
The Community Giving Foundation currently shares a monthly newsletter for attorneys, accountants, financial planners, and other professional advisors. View an archive of newsletters below and click here to sign up to receive future email newsletters from the Foundation.