January 17, 2024
Community Giving Foundation: Danville will host the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Event (formerly “Holiday Happenings”) on Saturday, April 20th at the Pine Barn Inn. The event benefits the Neighbors Helping Neighbors endowment fund of the Foundation, which supports unmet needs in the Danville community by granting to nonprofit organizations making a difference right here. Sponsorship opportunities for the event are currently available at csgiving.org/neighbors. Individual tickets will go on sale mid-March.
The event committee for 2024 is pleased to begin accepting nominations for the Robert N. Pursel Award for “Neighbor of the Year”. The chosen recipient(s) will be honored at the April event for their community service and philanthropic mindset. The award is named in honor of Robert Newton Pursel, whose ancestors were one of the first settlers in the Danville area. Pursel was a shining example of duty and philanthropy, both in the military and in his involvement with many local organizations.
To nominate a deserving individual, couple, or organization, complete the nomination form at csgiving.org/neighbors. The deadline for nominations is February 16, 2024.
Community Giving Foundation: Danville is an affiliate of the Community Giving Foundation, which manages over 350 charitable funds and makes grant investments throughout the region to improve the quality of life in the Central Susquehanna area.