Foundation Shares Year-in-Review in Advance of Annual Meeting

February 10, 2022

The Community Giving Foundation remains committed to personalization and personal relationships as we help people establish funds that create lasting legacies in their communities. This past year brought many valuable philanthropic resources to the fingertips of fundholders and community partners, made available on the Foundation’s website.

2021 Year in Review

Through all the donations made, grants and scholarships awarded, resources created, and events held in 2021, the Foundation saw the meaningful impact of local community giving stories. The Foundation recently released its 2021 Annual Report, which features stories from donors and grantees across the Central Susquehanna region as well as totals and fund listings from each of the Foundation’s affiliates. Lists of the donors who contributed and the grants/scholarships awarded from the Foundation’s 300+ funds are available online at

In 2021, the Foundation launched a new “snapshot” resource for stakeholders, shared six times a year online. The Dashboard provides a quick overview of financials, development, programs and other news from the Foundation office. View data summaries, graphs, year-to-date totals, and more in each report.

A recent Dashboard covering January-December 2021 is now available online. Highlights from this snapshot include a 2021 return on investment of 13.87%, total assets of $84,172,288, grant awards totaling $3,811,347, and the creation of 29 new funds in 2021. For the most recent Dashboard and ongoing archive, visit

Join Us! Annual Meeting 2022

In celebration of another year of local philanthropy and community giving stories, the Foundation is excited to host “Your Giving Story: Then & Now”, a virtual Annual Meeting on Friday, March 4th. The event will be held via Zoom from 8:30-9:30am. This free event is open to all—to reserve your spot, register at The first 150 people to register by February 23rd will receive a gift in advance of the meeting!

We are grateful to everyone who has partnered with the Foundation and contributed to our story in 2021, and we look forward to even more stories of community giving this year.

The Community Giving Foundation manages over 300 charitable funds and makes grant investments throughout the region to improve the quality of life in the Central Susquehanna area. The Foundation partners with regional affiliates in Berwick, Bloomsburg, Danville, Selinsgrove, and Sunbury.