September 30, 2021
Community Giving Foundation is administering the Nonprofit Relief Grantround in partnership with the Columbia County Commissioners. This grantround will provide qualifying nonprofit and government agencies a unique opportunity to assist in covering their organization’s operating, programmatic, and/or capital budgets impacted by COVID. Other COVID-related grant funding received will not be a determinant of eligibility for this grantround.
The Columbia County Commissioners ARP Nonprofit Relief Grantround has $500,000 available. The grantround will begin on October 1. Grant requests up to $25,000 are being accepted online until the application deadline of October 28. Additional funding may be considered on an individual basis. Upon review by the Foundation Grants Committee and County Commissioners, grants will be awarded by November 30. This grantround is designed as a flexible response to provide relief for a variety of unexpected costs. The Foundation is specifically interested in helping organizations maintain their operations and respond to increased demands.
Only 501(c)(3) nonprofit and government organizations are eligible to apply and the requested funding must be invested within Columbia County. Individuals are not eligible to apply. To discuss your organization’s eligibility, please contact the Foundation.
Grant applications must be completed and submitted through a web-based program. Interested applicants can access the grantround guidelines and applications here. Grant requests must be submitted online by 11:59pm on Thursday, October 28, 2021. For grant-related questions, please contact Christine Orlando, Foundation senior program officer, at 570-752-3930 ext. 2 or [email protected].